Use the comments you generated on your draft to make substantive revisions to your paper. Make sure to assess all of the changes you make from the readers’ point of view. Changes should make your ideas clearer and more easily understood.
I expect to see:
- An introduction that better comes-to-terms with the pop music debate you’re writing about and articulates a clear thesis with a complaint and a pitch.
- At least one new paragraph integrated into your argument – consider introducing a naysayer.
- At least one new example introduced, explained, and connected to something another writer says.
- Improvements in forwarding and countering sources.
- Improvements in the conclusion.
- Improvements in consistency of signal phrasing, quality of signal verbs, voice marking, use of pivotal words (transitions), and the 4 strategies to bring coherence within and between paragraphs.
Submit your final paper by re-sharing it with me no later than Sunday, March 29 at midnight (your local time) and posting it on your UNEportfolio.